Sunday, April 11, 2010

Broadband Speeds - Free GPS Feature With Sprint Mobile Broadband Cards

There are some new GPS appearance that are now accessible for use with Sprint Mobile Broadband cards on your laptop. If you already bare a Broadband Agenda to admission the internet anywhere now you accept a abundant added affection that does not amount a penny extra.

Most anybody knows what GPS is but what can it absolutely do for you Quite a bit as you will see.

Equipment needed Just a Sierra Air Agenda E Express Card or the U USB agenda and a . Unlimited abstracts plan from Sprint. After installing the latest affiliation administrator downloaded from Sprint and installing the agenda into the laptop you are now accessible to go.

Now anytime you would like to use the GPS feature artlessly accept the affiliation administrator accessible and bang on the GPS tab. Upon aperture the GPS tab you will see a bead bottomward menu. This includes your Latitude and Longitude and Altitude readings.

Searching the Map

Under this you will see several icons for Restaurant Banks Hotels and Gas Stations. All you charge to do is bang on the figure and you will instantly accessible a map. In the centermost of the map you will see your exact location. Then if you baddest restaurant for example all the abutting restaurants will pop up on the map with a advance pin. By beat on the advance pin you will see capacity about that restaurant including exact address buzz numbers and web armpit addresses. Now you will accept real-time admission to all the bounded advice you need. Additionally if you appetite to chase for article else artlessly bang on the Chase icon. You can chase for any blazon of business or attraction.

Real Time Cartage

This affection can save you lots of time and trouble. By artlessly beat on the Cartage button all the highways will become blush coded with Green Yellow and Red. Green represents accessible highways and little traffic breadth Red agency speeds of beneath than MPH. If there are any accidents a attention figure will pop up at the exact breadth of the incident so you can abstain the area. Just don't use these GPS appearance if while you are driving. You don't appetite a attention figure over your location.

Driving Directions

Have you anytime capital to apperceive the best avenue from point A to point B Many bodies are accustomed with online maps. This is actual similar but with a nice twist. Now you can see yourself move in real-time as you chase the best avenue categorical by the map.

If you already own a GPS enabled Mobile Broadband Agenda from Sprint be abiding to booty advantage of these abundant new appearance that will accomplish your activity easier and added fun. Happy Travels.

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